HE is still recognisable after all these years. This is Billy McNeill, former Celtic player and manager, doing a bit of sunbathing in his back-garden in Glasgow’s Simshill in 1969 -– two years after Celtic won the European Cup.

Billy was back in the news this week as his family talked about the dementia he is now suffering from, at the age of 77.

With him in the picture is his wife Liz and the first three of their five children, Susan, and twins Libby and Carol.

Back then scans were less common and Liz only realised she was having twins when after Carol was delivered, the midwife said: “There’s another one.”

His wife Liz was, and is, a striking-looking woman, and was a dancer on television with Andy Stewart’s White Heather Club when they met. In fact because of her TV appearance money, Liz was actually earning more money then than Billy did with Celtic. Think it’s changed a bit since then.

Anyway, Billy now no longer speaks, but still seems to comprehend much of what is going on around him.

When the 50th anniversary of winning the European Cup is celebrated later this year, Celtic fans will spare a thought for Billy, still the greatest captain the club ever had.