RUTH Davidson grabbed headlines for slagging off Donald Trump this week when she took part in the Women in the World event in Washington DC. We especially liked the bit where her interviewer claimed the President was Scottish. “Half Scottish!” she snapped. However, despite loathing Mr T, the Scottish Tory leader seemed prone to his problems with modesty. Describing her party’s revival, she noted it had enjoyed “fantastically charismatic leadership”.

EMBARRASSMENT for SNP deputy leader Angus Robertson, after his wife’s new PR firm Spey was caught boasting it had “one of the best little black books in Scotland”. Still, a better line than most of its website blurb. “Spey offers an evolutionary service,” it gushes. “It allows us to orchestrate complex solutions. We set the right tone at a macro level, while producing excellent creative work at the coalface that motivate audiences to act.” Mmm, snappy.

POLITICS is so showbiz these days, with our tribunes expected to confession all on the sofa, but there are limits. As someone should have told rookie Tory MSP Donald Cameron before a jaw-dropping Q&A with Holyrood magazine. “As children we were very wet,” he volunteered. “My cousins called us ‘the cry-baby Camerons’. It is one of those childhood things that sticks with you and you never quite escape.” Well not if you keep yakking about it, you big bairn!

ASKED to explain, Mr Cameron continued. “It was a justified criticism. We were pretty pathetic. We were bad. We used to cry when my dad went over the speed limit.” The North East eye-ore then admitted he was fretting about his losing his hair. “I turned 40 last year and I suppose I feel age is catching up with me now.” Good grief. Maybe he just needs a good blub.

FRESH from leaving his farewell present in the pub after quitting the P&J last week, new Labour spindoctor Andrew Liddle started work on Thursday, determined to avoid the perpetual “dress down day” look of his colleagues. Not only did the son of Labour peer Lord Liddle wear city-trader red braces, he also sported a blue bowtie covered in donkeys. These, he insisted, were US Democrat donkeys not Labour asses. But we suspect he was just covering his own.

MORE news on Fulton ‘No Show’ MacGregor, the hustings-phobic SNP MSP for Coatbridge. It turns out MacGregors have a knack for business, family business. Both No Show’s brothers Fergus and Findlay (yes, really) are trying to become SNP councillors in North Lanarkshire in May, as is his office gopher Alan Stubbs. With Fulton rooting for so many chums to get on the public payroll, the Holyrood chat is he may have to be renamed from No Show to Bro Show.

TALKING of happy families, the partners of SNP MPs Ann McLaughlin and Dr Lisa Cameron are also applying to be SNP councillors. Perhaps they’re just following their leader’s example. Also applying for a pew in North Ayrshire is Nicola Sturgeon’s dad.