SCOTLAND’S enterprise agencies will see funding slashed by over a fifth as Derek Mackay warned he expects “efficiencies” across the public sector.

Mr Mackay was accused of delivering “a hammer blow to business support” by taking £50 million out of the enterprise budget, which funds Scottish Enterprise (SE), Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Development International (SDI).

The Finance Secretary deflected economic criticism on to the Tories, whom he accused of “Brexit chaos, total mismanagement, poor handling, spending money on things such as palaces and nuclear weapons, and tax cuts for the rich”.

Read more: Derek Mackay uses new powers to make Scotland highest taxed part of UK

Labour economy spokeswoman Jackie Baillie said: “If the economy is so important – and it is – why has he cut the enterprise budget by £50 m? There is a 22 per cent reduction in that budget line.

“Why has he cut the Highlands and Islands Enterprise budget by £8m? That is a 10 per cent reduction in its budget line.”

Mr Mackay said: “It is clear from those (enterprise) budgets that I expect efficiencies, but I expect efficiencies across the public sector.

“I am delivering a good, strong package of support for businesses.”

Labour education spokesman Daniel Johnson said the Budget is “a hammer blow to business support”.