New plans to set up a permanent food stall in front of the iconic Kelpies have been submitted after the original was controversially removed.

The owners of the Artisan Grill fast food cabin set up shop after being approved by the local community trust earlier this year.

But renowed artist Andy Scott said the stall in front of Scotland's most famous statues defiled his vision for the site in Falkirk and it was forcibly removed.

Mr Scott claimed the site was offensive and prevented tourists from properly viewing his sculptures.

The outlet was soon ordered to be removed from the site after Falkirk Council's planning review panel agreed with the artist.

Mr Scott had previously said he was delighted when the council ordered the fast food cabin's closure.

But now owners Supreme Fast Foods have submitted new plans in a partially retrospective planning application for the site.

The new stall's design will be a curved shape in order to "complement the design of other units adjacent to the Kelpies".

Its name will also be changed to Skelpie Grill, possibly due to the skelp material used on the stall.

A supporting letter with the application states: "It is of importance that the unit is located close to the visitor centre in an area where the public congregate and can sit to admire the front view of the Kelpies.

"The unit is designed as a self-contained facility, there is no adverse impact upon existing infrastructure.

"The facility also provides additional seating and tables for the benefit of visitors to the park.

"In this context it is also of importance that Falkirk Community Trust have also confirmed that this is the only site available and suitable for the catering unit and that there is no alternative location."

Mr Scott, who owns the intellectual property rights of the Kelpies and has control over the site's marketing, branded the Artisan Grill a "tacky concession stand".

The council previously refused retrospective planning permission for the stall after the Falkirk Community Trust had awarded the contract in March.

The supporting letter added: "The catering unit fulfils a tourism function and indeed was invited to take the position offered through the Scottish Government Public Contract website in an advert placed by Falkirk Community Trust.

"While the proposed development has no physical or visual impacts on any areas of the Forth and Clyde or Union Canal, it provides additional choice and quality of catering to the benefit of all canal users."

Supreme Fast Foods also say the stall's 12 members of staff will be recruited locally.