A senior Labour MP says he suspects that Jeremy Corbyn voted for Brexit after the party leader declined to tell him which way he cast his ballot.

Chris Bryant said he posed the question directly as he warned Mr Corbyn he would "destroy" the party unless he stepped aside and did not seek re-election, but received no answer.

"Jeremy's management of the campaign for the referendum left many voters on polling day not even knowing which way Jeremy himself was going to vote," he told BBC News.

Read more: More Labour frontbenchers quit as pressure builds on Jeremy Corbyn

"I suspect that Jeremy may have voted to leave.

"Not only is that a betrayal of Labour's historic position on the European Union - a fundamental economic and foreign policy objective of ours - but also it means that if he were to lead is into a general election, the latest poll shows we would lose 150 seats, we would be a rump of 75 Members of Parliament.

"I said to Jeremy last night 'look, I've tried to make this work but the only person who can make this work is you, by stepping aside and not standing in the subsequent election and letting somebody else take over the reins because otherwise you will destroy the Labour Party'."

He cast doubt on whether Mr Corbyn could find sufficient supportive MPs to form a full shadow government.

Read more: More Labour frontbenchers quit as pressure builds on Jeremy Corbyn

Mr Bryant said the decision of voters to withdraw from the EU - including a majority in his own constituency of Rhondda - had to be respected.

He added: "But what this country now needs, more than ever, is clear unambiguous leadership and I just don't think Jeremy has it in him to do that. I don't even think he really wants to be prime minister.

"We cannot go forward to a general election with a leader who cannot command the respect of the parliamentary party or, much more importantly, of the voters."