THE class of 2016 arrived at Holyrood for their first day at work — just four days after Scotland went to the polls.

A total of 49 of the 51 new MSPs were met in the Garden Lobby by Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick, before having their pictures taken for their security passes and being shown around the building.

The Herald:

The familiarisation process marked the start of a four-day induction rogramme to help them understand the inner workings of Parliament. The process has been branded by some as a taxpayer-funded freshers’ week.

But it was clear many of them were excited by the experience, with a notable rise in the number of Conservative MSPs after the Tories replaced Labour as the main opposition.

Ross Greer, 21, was among those to have their picture taken. He is the youngest MSP after finishing top of the Greens’ list for the West of Scotland region and has been appointed the party’s spokesman for Europe and external affairs.

He later posted an image of himself relaxing in the breakout area with the words: “Being totally professional on our first day back in Parliament.”

Familiar faces, such as Scottish Labour’s Kezia Dugdale, were also spotted back at work.

Edinburgh SNP MSP Marco Biagi had a message for the new intake on Twitter, writing: “Good luck to the new MSPs arriving this morning. Take a moment to breathe. Expect surprises daily. And always remember why you’re there.”

The SNP’s Glasgow Pollok MSP Humza Yousaf wrote: “Good to be back!”

The class of 2016 arrived at Holyrood for their first day at work – just four days after Scotland went to the polls.

A total of 49 of the 51 new MSPs were met in the Garden Lobby by Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick, before having their pictures taken for their security passes and shown around the building.

The familiarisation process marked the start of a four day induction programme to help them understand the inner workings of parliament.
It has been branded by some as a taxpayer funded ‘freshers’ week.’

But it was clear that many of them were excited by the experience, with a notable rise in the number of Conservative MSP’s after the Tories replaced Labour as the main opposition.

Ross Greer, 21, was among those to have their picture taken. He is the youngest MSP after finishing top of the Green list for the West of Scotland region and has been appointed the party’s spokesman for Europe and External Affairs.

He later posted an image of himself relaxing in the breakout area with the words: “Being totally professional on our first day back in parliament.”
The parliament’s official orientation guide, Mhairi, appeared in a dress that featured a print of the outside of the Holyrood building.

Meanwhile, familiar faces such as Scottish Labour’s Kezia Dugdale were also spotted back at work.

Edinburgh SNP MSP Marco Biagi had a message for the new intake on Twitter, writing: “Good luck to the new MSPs arriving this morning. Take a moment to breathe. Expect surprises daily. And always remember why you’re there.