Inappropriate secret Santa gifts could lead to problems at work, a Glasgow lawyer warned.

Jillian Merchant, a solicitor from Glasgow’s Thompsons solicitors, warned workers to take care at their Christmas parties as their behaviour could backfire.

Tonight is predicted to be one of the busiest nights in Glasgow for Christmas nights out, as hundreds of people are due to hit the pubs and clubs after they finish their shifts.

Jillian, who deals mainly with employment and discrimination cases, said for some the night could turn into their worst nightmare if they are faced with disciplinary action, or worse, following the festive season.

Ms Merchant said she is expecting a rush of cases relating to Christmas conduct after the New Year, and urged people to think of their behaviour at festive parties.

She explained in one case, two employees were disciplined by their bosses for play-fighting at their festive party.

Despite maintaining it was a joke, and nobody getting injured, Jillian said their employers took a “dim view” of the situation and took action against their staff.

She added: “There are also cases of people sending inappropriate gifts for secret Santa presents... Don’t send lingerie for example, that would be embarrassing as the person is opening it in front of the whole office, and it could be seen an inappropriate by them or their colleagues.

“All of these things can amount to harassment so people have to be really careful about it.”