A WOMAN who endured years of misery at the hands of rapist Donald Jeffrey - including having her teeth ripped out with pliers - has spoken out about her ordeal.

The mother, named only as Amber, suffered years of beatings and rape at the hands of Jeffrey, who has been jailed for at least 10 years.

The 48-year-old, from Glasgow, told how the pair, who were engaged, were lying on the couch when he told her to "get the f***ing pliers".

The Herald: Jeffrey was convicted at the High Court in GlasgowJeffrey was convicted at the High Court in Glasgow

Amber said: "I handed him the pliers as I was too scared of what he would do if I didn’t and I begged him not to do it.

“I knew if it wasn’t my teeth, it could be my fingernails or toenails.

“He didn’t need to tell me what to do, I opened my mouth and he clamped the pliers on to each front tooth and yanked them out. I couldn’t feel any pain, I was numb. I could hear my teeth falling onto the wooden floor.

“Then he took me to the bathroom mirror and laughed at me. He told me to ‘show him a smile’.

“Donald then got a claw hammer and hit me on the head, legs and knees. There was blood on the ceiling and walls and I later found out I suffered a slight brain haemorrhage."

She also told how, during their years together, he raped and beat her before threatening to throw her from a 17th-floor window and also tried to drown her in a freezing bath.

It was only when she was forced to contact the police last year over concerns he had a gun that she broke her silence and told officers about the abuse.

In one of the most appalling cases of domestic abuse, a jury at the High Court heard how he repeatedly raped Amber as well as his former partner.

He was jailed for life and ordered to serve at least 10 years behind bars after being convicted of attempted murder, five counts of rape and a series of assaults.