PETER Capaldi was "really sad" to say goodbye to his Doctor Who co-star Jenna Coleman - and he does not want her replacement to be a man.

Coleman has left the BBC series after playing the Doctor's companion, Clara Oswald, for three years.

And while fans mourn her loss, it seems Capaldi was not too happy about her departure either.

He told the Radio Times Christmas issue: "She's gone. She's history."

The star added: "I found it really sad, because Jen's a great girl and a great actress. I used to love being in the Tardis with her, we'd just have a laugh, you know?

"And that's all I want out of work, I'm afraid, to go along and have a nice time. While playing the most iconic character in the history of British television."

Asked if it is time for a male companion, he told the magazine: "With the best will in the world, I don't want a bloke, because I'm frightened that they'll give him all the action and I'll be standing around spouting scientific gobbledygook... 'Oh, Peter's not up to chasing those Zygons down the corridor, let the chap do it.'

"And that would be awful. I want to chase the Zygons."

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has previously said the women in the show are not like "Bond girls".

He told the Radio Times last month: "We have an emotionally engaged hero and those women he knows are not like James Bond girls. They don't just disappear between movies. When the Doctor ends a friendship, it tears him apart."

On a successor for Clara, he teased that he has ideas in the works - but does not yet have a specific actress in mind.

He said: "A new companion gives us the chance to relaunch the show. And we've got a really cool new idea about how to do that."