Sir Alex Ferguson has given his backing to Judy Murray in her battle with Stiling Council over controversial plans to create a multi-million tennis and golf centre days in Dunblane.

The development at Park of Keir in Dunblane, which is also backed by Colin Montgomerie, has faced fierce opposition from local residents and officials at Stirling Council have now recommended that the planning application be refused.

A decision on the proposals will be made at a planning meeting on Tuesday, December 8.

However, in a letter to councillor Mike Robbins, ex-Manchester United manager Ferguson gave his backing to the project and asked the council to reconsider scrapping its recommendation.

Ferguson, who started his football career at Harmony Row Young Club in the 1950s, said: "Despite my obvious love of football, I am no less passionate about the new tennis and golf facilities at Park of Keir. I was immensely proud to be there when when Andy Murray won Wimbledon. Judy Murray has not only helped achieve that great victory, she has set out an amazing vision for facilities that will help young people be active and love tennis with all of the passion that she does.

"With golf training facilities included, the Stirling area will have its very own world class ‘golden triangle’ of new sports facilities at Park of Keir that can help give future generations of youngsters their own lifelong love of sport.

"I know that Stirling Council wants to do its best for the young people in the area, and I firmly believe that the council would be hard pressed to find another project as deserving of support as that proposed for Park of Keir.

"I do hope that Stirling Council will take the right decision for the right reasons."

The plans for the development include indoor and outdoor tennis and golf centres, as well as luxury homes and a hotel and leisure facility.

The Park of Keir Partnership have claimed that the "time is now" to build on the success of Davis Cup champions Jamie and Andy Murray and argued that the project would be a positive step for tennis throughout the whole of Scotland.

However, opponents are upset that it will be built on greenbelt land.

Judy Murray said: "It’s always a struggle to achieve success in sport, but I strongly believe that these proposals will make a huge difference to generations of young people here in our home town of Dunblane and across Scotland.

"At a time when our country has achieved so many high profile victories on the tennis court, we have to ask ourselves why is participation in tennis has been falling. All the evidence shows that investment in facilities increases participation by young people.

"The right training is also critical, and I have seen the difference that can be made with my Tennis on the Road, which I have taken to all the corners of Scotland. I know what a difference it could make to have modern purpose built facilities within an hour drive of the vast majority of Scotland’s youth. We will keep making that case right up to the committee.”

The plans, which are being considered following Britain's success in the Davis Cup, are supported by the Lawn Tennis Association, VisitScotland, Tennis Scotland and the Professional Golfers' Association.

Jamie Murray said: "Our whole family is really excited about the huge potential that there is at Park of Keir. There’s a real opportunity to capitalise on the recent success that’s been achieved, but this is about much more than us, it’s all about investing in the youngsters and getting them involved in sport.

"It’s also about more than tennis, with golf and football included there will be something for everyone, and this will provide benefits for years to come.”