Here is Deputy Chief Constable Rose Fitzpatrick's full statement on the HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland report into the deaths of John Yuill and Lamara Bell in a crash on the M9.

"Handling 999 and 101 calls is a key part of our frontline policing response. Officers and staff who handle calls from the public across the country are committed to providing the highest level of service possible, often dealing with the most challenging situations. I am pleased the report acknowledges the commitment of staff as well as the high quality of service they give the public every day.

"We co-operated fully with the HMICS review and will now be implementing the recommendations through a detailed and comprehensive action plan, scrutinised by the Scottish Police Authority.

“HMICS has highlighted a number of specific assurances around capacity, capability and processes including staffing levels, training, basic processes, management of high priority calls, risk assessment and information and communications technology which provide confidence to the public about telephone contact with the police.

“Maintaining the 8 previous systems to manage calls was no longer a viable option. Making changes in how we deliver, manage and improve that service for the public is highly complex and the report highlights that. We remain only part of the way through a programme of improvement aimed at delivering a model which will provide continued high levels of service.

“We acknowledge there have been challenges. Today’s report recognises that we have already made progress in addressing these issues to ensure we can further strengthen call handling.  We will now implement the recommendations provided by the HMICS as we go through the next steps of our improvement programme.

“We have introduced a Call Handling Training Academy for new staff to build up knowledge, skills and learning to allow them to do their critically important jobs to the highest possible standard and we will now be extending that to our existing staff. We are also establishing an Expert Independent Reference Group to advise us as we develop and implement the remaining stages of this complex change programme.

“We acknowledge the issues raised regarding engagement with staff, which was also highlighted in our recent staff survey, and measures are being introduced to improve their involvement through our Contact, Command and Control Shaping the Future programme which will encourage them to influence the delivery of call handling and recognise their commitment to this important work.”