The Prince of Wales has urged people to buy British food whenever they can to support family farms and save the countryside.

His appeal comes amid growing fears over the economic future of Kintyre as the area's traditional dairy farming industry struggles to stay afloat.

The heir to the throne called on the public to harness their consumer power by shopping for home-grown produce instead of imported food.

He made the impassioned plea over "our living, breathing, working countryside" in a special birthday message he penned for this week's edition of Country Life magazine to mark turning 67 this Saturday.

The Prince wrote: "On a sufficient scale the purchasing decisions of individuals can and do change markets.

"Those of us who care enough about the grave situation facing our farmers and rural communities really can help by buying British food whenever we can.

"In doing so, we are also more likely to be getting fresh, high quality produce from a known and trusted source, offering good value for money.

"It seems to me that the key is to make it as easy as possible for people to know when they are buying British - and why that is a good choice."

Charles, who is currently on an official tour of New Zealand and Australia, features on the front cover of the magazine, pictured in an open necked shirt and jacket, resting his arm on a fence post at his Gloucestershire retreat Highgrove.

The Prince highlighted the pressure facing the country's family farms, including falling commodity prices and rising input costs, and warned that some city-dwellers may be overlooking the crucial part that farmers play in the UK.

"The rural economy is largely invisible to many people," he said. "So, it is perhaps worth spelling out, especially to those who -whether by choice or necessity - live largely urban lifestyles, that we rely on farmers to make a huge contribution to our nation's food security, environment and prosperity.

"And in all three respects, we live in an increasingly uncertain world. That is why we need to do everything we can to keep our farmers farming."

Charles stressed the important contribution small family farms make to rural communities and raised questions about industrial scale farming.

"Is it really sensible to rely on very small numbers of huge, industrial-scale farms, dairies and abattoirs?" the Prince asked.

He finished his lengthy leader with a word of warning: "This may be considered merely romantic but, to me, our living, breathing, working countryside is one of the great glories of this country. I think we should treasure it, including its people, while we still can."

Meanwhile, milk prices offered to farmers in the remote peninsula are the lowest in the UK, a situation

which has prompted three local producers to quit already, as others question whether they will survive the winter.

Campbeltown councillor Donald Kelly said: "Farmers are hanging on by their teeth and it will be a very testing time for them over the next six months, with the additional costs of feeding inside over winter.

"Kintyre is a prime dairy sector within Scotland and everything should be done at all levels to protect the industry."

He said it wasn't just farmers who are affected by the industry's fortunes, adding: "There are all the other businesses that work with the farming community, like agricultural mechanics and garages.

"It's a sad day for Kintyre when dairy farms are giving up because of poor milk prices, I fear the worst for the coming months ahead."

Argyll MSP Michael Russell said: "I remain very concerned about the continued crisis in the dairy industry in Argyll and Bute.

A First Milk spokesman said: "We are investing in the business, there has been some investment in Campbeltown and we are also investing in some fine Scottish cheeses, but there is lots of milk and cheese being produced

around the world and it's affecting prices."