An SNP MP has admitted taking amphetamines during a radio quiz.

Tommy Sheppard said he had tried cannabis in the past but not liked it while answering questions on the BBC Radio 5 Live Pienaar's Politics programme.

The Edinburgh East MP - who speaks for his party on Cabinet Office issues - also told the show he would "snog" both SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon and Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson when asked to play "snog, marry, avoid".

Asked about if he had ever used illegal drugs, comedy club owner Mr Sheppard said: "Yes."

Pressed for details, the MP added: "When I was younger, amphetamines. I tried cannabis but it was not really for me - I didn't like it."

Amphetamines are either a Class A or a Class B drug depending on the type and how the substance is prepared.

Among other confessions given to the show - which last week drew admissions of drug taking and usage of online porn from Tory MP James Cleverly - Mr Sheppard said he had been arrested for protesting against a nuclear power station being constructed in 1979.

In the snog, marry, avoid game, Mr Sheppard said he would snog - before suggesting perhaps marry - the Scottish First Minster, as well as Ms Davidson.

On the Scottish Tory leader, he said: "She's great fun - she comes to my club!"

He said he would "avoid" Harry Potter author JK Rowling.