It is prized as a culinary delicacy, but its numbers have been plummeting across the UK in recent years.

Now gamekeepers are urging sportsmen not to indulge in any early shooting of the secretive woodcock, because of concerns at the way the species has declined.

The Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) is following the recommendation of conservationists in asking for restraint to be shown.

The woodcock is a large bulky wading bird with short legs, and a very long straight tapering bill. It is largely nocturnal, spending most of the day under any dense cover it can find in fields or woodland.

It is shot in season in low density in Scotland, but is prized as a game dish.

While the Scottish population is faring better, this private bird, known for their mating or ‘roding' displays, is in decline in the UK overall.

The most recent science by Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) and the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) found there were 55,241 breeding males in the UK in 2013, a fall of 29 per cent from 2003.

It is thought that the breeding population has been falling recent years, possible because of less habitat as conifer plantations become too mature for woodcocks to find open enough breeding areas.

Mindful of the wider conservation picture, Scotland’s gamekeeping body the SGA is asking organisers of local shoots to show restraint and schedule any shooting for as late in November as possible.

Most of the birds in the UK are residents, but in the autumn birds move to the UK from the Baltic, Scandinavia and Russia to winter here.

Delaying shoots should allow the woodcock more chance to breed successfully.

Scottish Gamekeepers Association Chairman Alex Hogg said: “GWCT has done a lot of scientific work regarding these birds and we agree with their guidance that shoots should leave it as late as possible in November before shooting woodcock.

“While it is legal to shoot woodcock from September 1, the majority of estates offering it don’t start this early in the season.

“However, it is sensible to minimise the pressure on the birds as much as possible to ensure the resident breeders get the best chance for future years and we will be encouraging our members to take these steps going forward.

“Shooters have always been receptive to conservation guidance, as was shown with black grouse, and those we have spoken to are happy to support the later start to help the resident woodcock.”

Although black grouse is still on the quarry list in Scotland, few are shot, with many shooters and estates actively involved in habitat and predator management for black game conservation.

Meanwhile the BTO is asking for volunteers to monitor changes in breeding woodcock numbers, given the recent population decline.

The charity says "Woodcock is the only species of wading bird in Britain and Ireland that is adapted to breed in woodland, both broad-leaved and coniferous. Its plumage is superbly camouflaged to blend in with dead leaf litter and ground vegetation, where it may roost or make its nest; remaining motionless unless approached at very close quarters."