Filming of a major new movie about Bonnie Prince Charlie has been postponed until next year after the death of its funding head.

The Great Getaway was originally due to start shooting in Dumfries and Galloway in August before moving to various parts of the Highlands and the Outer Hebrides.

But producer Mairi Sutherland said it had to re-finance the £4.3m production after the death of the fund president and with winter coming, the shoot would now be put back to next year.

"As Christmas approaches, Great Getaway has been rescheduled to commence shooting in Spring 2016," she said in a statement.

"It was anticipated that photography would commence in August, but the foreign funds that make up most of the budget of the project were held up by the sudden death of the fund president.

"As the film is primarily to be shot on location in the mountains and lochs of western Scotland, winter weather now makes it necessary to hold back production until March.

"The entire cast and crew of the production remain committed to making the Great Getaway, a film with significant cultural credentials that has earned tremendous interest from a fascinated public."

The Herald:

In August it was announced rising  star Jamie Bacon was to play Bonnie Prince Charlie in the new film.