Pupils and staff at Edinburgh’s Royal Blind School got into the groove as they staged their own version of hit music video Uptown Funk.

The song, made famous by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars, was the theme tune to the video starring pupils and teachers from the school, which provides education and care for children and young people with visual impairment and complex needs.

The video shows members of staff strutting their stuff down the hallways and youngsters enjoying the rhythm whilst attending their classes. The idea was brought to life by the school’s music teacher Louisa Maddison who wanted to work on a project that involved the whole school.

The Herald:

Ms Maddison said: “The idea of creating the video came from a parent who had seen similar films on YouTube from other schools and wondered if we could do the same. The senior pupils were given the task of creating alternative words for Uptown Funk.

“The youngsters wanted to write lyrics which would reflect the staff and departments throughout the school and they did an extremely good job. It then took the pupils around six weeks to practise and two full days of recording.

The Herald:

“What is especially great about the film is that it features all members of staff and pupils throughout the school, so everybody is included. The process took a lot of logistical planning to coordinate in order to get everyone in the film, but it was well worth it in the end.

“The pupils really enjoyed creating the video, as did the staff. Although some of them were a bit camera shy initially, their diva side soon shone through!”

The Herald:

Head teacher Elaine Brackenridge, who also appeared in the video, said: “Louisa and the young people involved in the project have produced an excellent video which showcases a range of talents. I hope that our version of Uptown Funk is enjoyed by many as they click on the link to view our superstars and I’m not only talking about the pupils.

The Herald:

“Music plays a huge part in the lives of our youngsters with some choosing to study music when they leave school through further or higher education. “The Royal Blind School is a great place to work with pupils who are a joy to teach.”