MORE than 300 Sikhs from across Scotland gathered in Glasgow’s George Square to demonstrate against state violence in India.

Yesterday, on the anniversary of the 1984 Sikh Genocide in Delhi, Scotland’s Sikhs rallied as part of the #SikhLivesMatter movement spawned following outrage at scenes of police brutality on Sikhs in Punjab.

Last month two were killed and dozens injured after police in Kotkapura fired live bullets at protestors who were demonstrating following an attack on a Sikh Gurdwara in which scriptures, Guru Granth Sahib, were destroyed.

Charandeep Singh, general secretary of Glasgow Gurdwara, said: "The community in Scotland is alert to the situation and this rally is just one step we are taking to elevate these incidents."

MSP for Glasgow Kelvin, Sandra White said: "The injustice which has been perpetrated on the Sikhs in the Punjab cannot be allowed to continue.

"I will be raising this issue through the Scottish Parliament so that we can raise our voice for the protection of human rights."