POLICE have smashed some of the suspected Romanian criminal gangs blamed for a spate of break-ins across the Highlands.

Up to 50 incidents have been reported at homes and businesses in towns and villages in the past month.

But Police Scotland has now revealed that it had detained, arrested or targeted 15 Romanians in connection with the raids.

The most senior policeman in the north believes that Romanian gangs based in Glasgow are behind recent incidents, including those in Fort William and close to Nairn.

A force spokesman said: "Initial assessments are that these crimes have been planned and researched by travelling criminals coming into the area from the central belt of Scotland.

"Officers are actively working to identify the individuals to help prevent future crimes being committed in the area.

"People living in Highland communities are being urged to contact police to report any suspicious activities. A number of calls from members of the public have already been received and this information has proved invaluable in catching some of those involved and disrupting their activity."

The arrests overt the past month include three Romanian men questioned in connection with a break-in to a domestic dwelling in the Lochaber area on October 3.

Four days later, four Romanian men were identified as responsible for a break-in at a commercial premises in Fort William. They have also been reported for involvement in four other thefts from premises in Fort William since September 27.

In addition to this, three thefts in the Evanton area similar in character to those in Fort William are still under investigation.

On October 23, eight Romanian men were detained in Nairn resulting in three arrests for crimes at a nearby Morayshire industrial premises.

There are also links between the group carrying out the crimes in Fort William and those detained in Nairn.

On October 28, a 51-year-old man from Northern Ireland was arrested for theft of tools in the Gairloch area.

Inquiries are ongoing in relation to a series of eight thefts carried out in the Glenmoriston, Glenshiel and Glenelg areas reported to police on Tuesday.

Power tools, specialist surveying equipment and a quad bike were stolen from sheds and locked storage containers. This is being investigated alongside thefts of power tools from three vans in the Badenoch Area, three vans in Evanton, two building sites in the Onich area, a commercial yard near Loch Ness and another in the Kiltarlity area.

Chief Superintendent Julian Innes said:"I am very grateful for the excellent public and media support. The recent coverage has led to two bogus workmen and one travelling thief being identified. I am in no doubt that this has prevented further crime in the Highlands.

"We ask that people living and working within our communities remain vigilant and mindful of security and continue to contact us regarding any suspicious behaviour as we send a clear deterrent message to these criminals and keep our communities safe."