Labour will debate the renewal of Trident at its Scottish conference tomorrow.

In a ballot members and affiliates Trident was chosen as one of four topics for discussion on Sunday.

Delegates chose from more than 60 motions covering 17 topics. The Trade Union Bill was the top choice and Trident second.

Labour came under criticism for not debating Trident at its UK conference earlier this month in Bournemouth. UK party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is anti trident and said he would never push the nuclear button if Prime Minister but many of his MPs and his shadow cabinet favour renewing the weapons system whose submarines are based at Faslane on the Clyde.

The Scottish Labour Party's stance will now be decided in a vote following the debate.

Delegates will also debate TTIP and housing.

The Conservative UK Government said Labour must continue to back the UK’s nuclear deterrent.

Michael Fallon Defence Secretary, said the government pledged a further £500m to ready the Faslane base for a new generation of Trident subs, which said would guarantee thousands of jobs for the next 40 years.

He said: "Labour has supported this policy for many years.

“For it to go back on that support now would send out entirely the wrong message about Britain's determination to play an active role in keeping us safe and maintaining global security.

"It must take the responsible course of action and back Faslane's future."

Jeremy Corbyn said it was for the Scottish party to come to its decision.

But he said the skills of the workers must be secured.

He said: No-one should even consider allocating a penny saved on not renewing Trident until those skills and jobs are protected through a proper programme of diversification.”