Westminster's intelligence watchdog is to investigate the Ministry of Defence's decision to launch an RAF drone strike, which killed two British nationals fighting with Islamic State(Isis) in Syria.

Dominic Grieve, the Chairman of the Intelligence and Security Committee(ISC) which oversees the work of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, said they would be examining the "intelligence basis" for the action.

At the same time, the new chairwoman of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, former Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman, announced that their first inquiry would be into "Government drone strikes".

Last month, David Cameron told the Commons that he had authorised the strike on the grounds that one of the militants - 21-year-old Reyaad Khan from Cardiff - represented a "clear and present danger".

Khan - who featured prominently in an Isis recruiting video posted online - was said to be planning to attack commemorative events in the UK.

A second British fighter, Ruhul Amin, from Aberdeenshire, was also killed in the strike alongside another Isis fighter. A third Briton, Junaid Hussain, who was said to be plotting with Khan, was killed three days later by a US drone.

Setting out the ISC's work programme, Mr Grieve said an "immediate priority" would be "the intelligence basis surrounding the recent drone strike in which British nationals were killed".

The other main priority for the committee will be the forthcoming draft Investigatory Powers Bill - dubbed the "snoopers' charter" by critics - which is expected to extend the powers to the police and intelligence agencies to monitor internet and phone use.

In the last parliament, the committee issued a detailed report setting out the range of the agencies' capabilities alongside a series of recommendations and Mr Grieve said they would be looking to see whether they had been adopted by Ministers.

In the longer-term, Mr Grieve said the ISC would mount a "substantial inquiry" into the role of the Government and the intelligence agencies in the rendition of terrorist suspects and the treatment of detainees where there were "still unanswered questions".

"The committee is clear that its remit is to provide independent and robust scrutiny and oversight of the intelligence community and this will be at the heart of our work," Mr Grieve said.