The UK Government has suggested the SNP curbs its "faux outrage" over proposals to devolve more powers to Scotland.

Commons Leader Chris Grayling insisted the Conservatives remain confident they are delivering what they promised in the wake of last year's Scottish independence referendum.

He added his SNP counterpart Pete Wishart is a "great showbiz performer" and brings a "little bit of faux outrage, a little bit of theatre" to the Commons, particularly on the Scotland Bill and English Votes for English Laws (Evel).

Mr Wishart had expressed his disappointment that MPs have just one day to debate the final stages of the Scotland Bill, which has been scheduled to return on November 9.

Cabinet minister Mr Grayling replied by informing the Commons he has listened to MP4, the parliamentary rock band of which Mr Wishart is a member.

He added to the SNP's Commons leader: "I hadn't realised what a great showbiz performer you were and I pay tribute to you, the music is excellent.

"But I have to say you do bring a bit of that showbiz performance to this House. A little bit of faux outrage, a little bit of theatre to it."

Mr Grayling added: "The faux outrage has been a little bit there on the Scotland Bill as well.

"You know, and indeed the Law Society of Scotland emphasised, that what we're doing is delivering what we committed to.

"Of course, I would not expect a group of politicians whose mission it is to secure independence for Scotland to do anything else except have faux outrage in this.

"But I am absolutely confident that we as a party and we as a Government are delivering what we promised."

Earlier, Mr Wishart had told Mr Grayling: "I'm disappointed to see that there's only one day set aside for the remaining stages and third reading for the Scotland Bill - with four days at committee stage in this House where not one amendment was accepted even though they were backed by every single Member of Parliament who represented a Scottish constituency, other than the sole Conservative.

"Now, (Scottish Secretary David Mundell) said he'd be spending the summer in this period reflecting and he would be saying that he was going to try and bring back a series of amendments which kept the Scotland Bill in line with what was promised in the vow, and to the true purpose of the Smith Commission.

"So surely we need more than one day when we're looking at issues such as this."

Mr Wishart added he was addressing the Commons for the first time as a "second class" MP since the Government's English Votes for English Laws (Evel) proposals were approved.

He said: "We still have no idea about how this is going to work out. We've got the Housing Bill coming on Monday. Is this going to be subject to an English veto, and if it is how is it going to work out for my honourable friends?"

On this point, Mr Grayling said Mr Wishart will never be a "second class citizen anywhere".