THOSE worried that Momentum, the continuation of the Jeremy Corbyn campaign, might become slick and professional have nothing to fear judging by its Edinburgh operation.

The group is meant to be holding a street stall today to encourage voter registration. Cue this urgent appeal on Facebook late yesterday: "Hi folks, does anyone have a fold-out table we can use? A decorating table would be perfect."

The Nats must be quaking in their boots.


THE DWP’s new £8million ad campaign raising awareness about workplace pensions has raised a few eyebrows. It features a character called Workie, a giant purple furry monster. Weird? Not at all. "Workie is a striking physical embodiment of the workplace pension," explained the deadpan DWP press release.


SPARE a thought for the Welsh. That's certainly what Chris Grayling, the Conservative Leader of the House thinks. He appeared frustrated that no-one noticed that alongside plans for 'England-only' votes few noticed that there could also be 'England and Wales-only votes'. It did nothing to pacify many Welsh MPs, who argue that the changes make them "second class" MPs and they should not be grateful for the occasional chance to break out of that straightjacket. Still it is perhaps surprising that it did not catch on. After all, "Weevel" has a certain ring to it, does it not?


PRIZE for the oddest stunt - and lamest bung - of last week’s SNP conference surely goes to Scotland in Union, who offered Nicola Sturgeon £5000 to rewrite her party’s constitution.

The "non-party, pro-UK campaign group" (they’re not just a bunch of fevered Tories, honest) pledged to cover the "legal, drafting and distribution costs" if only the FM would gut the wretched document and stop banging on about independence.

"Please consider this offer in the serious and positive spirit in which it is made," wrote director Alastair Cameron with a straight face. So far the SNP (2014 income: £7m) has found the Herculean strength to leave that particular brown envelope unopened.


IT’S seldom unbridled joy for taxpayers when Holyrood does repairs, so imagine Unspun’s dismay at a new tender notice for “bespoke lighting” for the debating chamber.

Alas, the current fittings “are no longer manufactured”, so the hunt is on for “a technically competent manufacturer to develop a prototype” replacement.

Technical competence is a welcome innovation for the parliament, but oh, the horror, of that word prototype. Last year, the cost of the new lighting was estimated at £400,000.

You’d have to be a pretty dim bulb to think that was the ceiling on it now.


THE Scottish LibDems will pay tribute to former leader Charles Kennedy at their one-day conference in Dunfermline today, following his untimely death in June.

Given the former Ross, Skye and Lochaber MP's well publicised battle with the bottle, was a drinks reception - and the promise of free booze - really the most appropriate event to organise in his honour?