COCA-COLA has called for Sepp Blatter to step down immediately as president of FIFA, the first major sponsor of world football's governing body to do so.

The global soft drinks giant was joined soon afterwards by McDonalds, which issued its own statement to call on Mr Blatter to relinquish his role at FIFA.

Visa also joined the calls quickly after the other sponsors.

Mr Blatter, who is due to stand down in February 2016, is the subject of a criminal investigation.

But in a statement issued via his lawyer, the beleaguered 79-year-old football chief has refused to quit, claiming it was not in FIFA's best interests for him to do so.

In its statement, Coca-Cola said it was "calling for FIFA President Joseph Blatter to step down immediately so that a credible and sustainable reform process can begin in earnest".

It added: "Every day that passes, the image and reputation of Fifa continues to tarnish. Fifa needs comprehensive and urgent reform, and that can only be accomplished through a truly independent approach."

Fast-food chain McDonald's, also a key Fifa sponsor, said Blatter's resignation would be "in the best interest of the game".

McDonalds said: "The events of recent weeks have continued to diminish the reputation of FIFA and public confidence in its leadership.

"We believe it would be in the best interest of the game for FIFA president Sepp Blatter to step down immediately so that the reform process can proceed with the credibility that is needed."

Last week Mr Blatter said he would not stand down before February despite the criminal proceedings being opened against him by Swiss prosecutors.

He has been accused of “criminal mismanagement” over awarding a TV rights contract that was signed along with disgraced official Jack Warner which saw the former head of Caribbean football make an £11million personal profit.

He is accused of signing a contract that was "unfavourable to Fifa" and making a "disloyal payment" to UEFA President Michel Platini.

Immediately after sponsors made their unprecedented call, a statement from Mr Blatter's lawyer said: "While Coca-Cola is a valued sponsor of FIFA, Mr Blatter respectfully disagrees with its position and believes firmly that his leaving office now would not be in the best interest of FIFA nor would it advance the process of reform and therefore, he will not resign."