A Polish man stripped naked in a toy store before abducting a six-year-old boy then battering the terrified child’s grandmother with a cricket bat.

On Easter Sunday this year, Prezymyslaw Kaluzny, 41, went to Dundee’s Toys ‘R’ Us store at around 2.30pm, carrying a baseball bat, before stripping naked.

He walked down an aisle shouting and brandishing the bat struggling violently with customers. He then grabbed a six-year-old boy by the arm and dragged him in a bid to take the terrified child from the shop.

The boy’s grandmother, a 67-year-old woman, intervened but Kaluzny responded by beating her with the bat.

Kaluzny, presently detained at Murray Royal Hospital in Perth, pled guilty to possession of an offensive weapon, behaving in a threatening and abusive manner, public indecency, two counts of assault and abduction.

Dundee Sheriff Lorna Drummond QC imposed an interim compulsion order, meaning Kaluzny will be detained in a secure hospital to undergo treatment for a mental disorder ahead of a review hearing in December.