FORCASTERS have told Scots to enjoy the Indian summer while it lasts with the current spell of good weather expected to last into the weekend.

A sustained period of high pressure has settled over the UK, bringing warmer than average temperatures and stunning sunsets as wispy clouds high in the atmosphere reflect the sinking sun.

The late summer sunshine is being felt across much of Scotland, with temperatures in the high teens in many places while in Edinburgh thermometers hit 21C on Tuesday.

The Herald:

Photograph by Gordon Terris


The Met Office says that the good spell is set to last until the middle of next week before slowly fading away to be replaced by cloud and rain more typical of autumn in Scotland.

A spokeswoman said: "We've got an area of high pressure right over the UK which has brought dry, summery conditions to many areas.

"Although there's been some mist and murk in the mornings, which have generally been quite cold, this has burned away as the days have gone on meaning its been quite pleasant in the afternoons.

"It's not actually that unusual to get a good spell at this time of year, but it probably seems a bit special after the rain we had in July and August".

The warm weather has been influenced by the position of the jet stream over the Atlantic, which has kept cooler northern air away from the UK.

The Herald:

Glasgow University. Photograph by Martin Shields


The only cloud cover has been high in the sky, perfect for reflecting the setting sun and creating the right conditions for the spectacular sunsets featured by many on social media.

The spokeswoman added: "We've been seeing a lot of pictures of the sunsets, but there's no one reason why they are so beautiful at the moment.

"It might just be that people are noticing them more as they are coinciding with them being at home as the nights draw in."