Shadow environment secretary Kerry McCarthy believes some people are "worried" by her veganism as she insisted she supports British farmers.

The Labour frontbencher was accused of being "cranky" and out of step" with Britain last week for saying meat should be treated in the same way as tobacco before her brief covered farming and food.

But Ms McCarthy used her speech at the Labour Party conference to joke about the response to her appointment and also insist she eats plenty of British produce.

After she claimed Environment Secretary Liz Truss is not doing enough to help farmers, Ms McCarthy told the event in Brighton: "She is leading a promotional drive for British food - we can all support that.

"I'd much rather see people buy British lamb, British apples than imports from half way around the world.

"We need better food labelling so we know where our food is from and what is in it, so we can choose if we want to buy British or want to buy local. We can all get behind that, whatever we eat.

"And on that subject, yes I am a vegan as you may have read, and some people are worried by that.

"A Ukip MEP said on my appointment that I would have 'little in common with the consumers of food'."

As delegates laughed, Ms McCarthy said: "You're smarter than Ukip. I can let him in on a secret - I do eat food, and much of it is produced by Britain's farmers.

"So let me make it clear - I support British farming, I want it to be economically viable, environmentally sustainable and to have the very best animal welfare standards."

Ms McCarthy further criticised the Government, adding it is "no friend of the environment" and also "no friend of people who live in rural communities".