TRAGIC crash victim John Yuill was reportedly driving on a provisional licence when he died on the M9.

It is understood Mr Yuill was planning to sit his test before the crash on July 5. Police failed to respond to a call about the crash for three days.

Girlfriend Lamara Bell also tragically died in hospital a week later, after lying trapped beside her boyfriend in the crashed Renault Clio until police arrived.

Mr Yuill’s father Gordon reportedly made the comments about his licence and said his son had "paid the ultimate price."

A statement from the Yuill family reportedly said he was a very safe driver and always drove with a qualified driver in the car.

It is understood he was planning to sit his test shortly after the accident happened, and hadn’t yet done so for financial reasons.

It is illegal for learner motorists to drive on the motorway, however politicians have said this makes no difference to how the police should have handled the incident.

Police Scotland now face two probes over call handling.

Less than two months after the crash, police chief Sir Stephen House announced he would be resigning from his post in December.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: "Both families have been advised of the outcome of our investigations into the cause of the road incident.

"A report has been completed and provided to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service."