More than £3 million in dental fees was lost to fraud and error in Scotland last year, according to the NHS.

An initiative has now been launched to prevent fraudulent and mistaken patient claims for exemption from dental treatment costs by the NHS Counter Fraud Service (CFS).

Charges are payable for most dental and optical treatments on the NHS, unless the patient is entitled to an exemption or receives help paying them through NHS tax credits.

A CFS report found about £3.25 million was lost to fraud and error last year under exemption applications.

A new initiative will start in the Forth Valley area, with CFS members visiting dental practices to highlight the role staff can play in reducing claims made wrongly by patients.

The CFS checks claim details with agencies including the Department for Work and Pensions and HM Revenue and Customs, with patients contacted if an exemption cannot be confirmed.

If no proof is found, penalty charges can be added to the treatment bill.

Fraser Paterson, national counter fraud prevention manager, said: "It was Benjamin Franklin back in the 1800s who coined the phrase 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.

"In current times of financial austerity, that message is perhaps more relevant now than it's ever been and we welcome the Scottish Government's enhanced prevention message.

"This initiative intentionally focuses on prevention, and not monitoring and enforcement.

"We believe that a well-supported, planned and co-ordinated venture of this type can significantly reduce the amount wrongly claimed by patients for this category of dental exemption."