David Cameron has challenged the SNP to provide “a list” of pledges missing from the Scotland Bill.

The Prime Minister also accused the SNP of “bluster” and of being "frit".

He told the SNP’s Westminster leader Angus Robertson at Prime Minister's Questions: “You give me a list of the things that were promised and not delivered, then we can have a very reasonable conversation.

"Until then it is all bluster from the SNP."

Mr Robertson hit back that not a single amendment to the Bill had been accepted by ministers, adding: "Tory bluster and condescension will not go down well in Scotland.”

The row came on the anniversary of the 'Vow', the pledge by pro-Union party leaders to devolve more powers to Scotland.

Signed just days before last year's independence referendum the 'Vow' formed the basis of the Scotland Bill currently going through Westminster.

Mr Robertson told the Conservative leader that the promises made were not being delivered.

Mr Cameron replied: "What I noticed from your question is you haven't given me one single example of where the vow wasn't delivered.

"If you can point to a tax we promised to devolve but haven't devolved, I'd accept it.

"If you can point to a welfare change we promised to devolve but didn't devolve, I'd accept it....

"You give me a list of the things that were promised and not delivered, then we can have a very reasonable conversation.

"Until then it is all bluster from the SNP."

He also accused the SNP of talking about "processes" instead of setting out how they were going to use the new powers, accusing the party of being "frit".