Jeremy Corbyn's Labour represents a "threat to Britain's security", the Conservatives have claimed in an attack video.

The footage highlights comments by Mr Corbyn describing the death of Osama bin Laden as a "tragedy" and referring to "friends" in Hamas and Hezbollah.

The Tory video also features comments from Mr Corbyn questioning the need for the UK to have advanced military equipment and stressing his opposition to replacing the Trident nuclear deterrent.

It is the latest indication of the strategy the Conservatives will use to target the new leader of the Opposition, following Prime Minister David Cameron's claim that Labour "is now a threat to our national security, our economic security and your family's security".

The video, which features dramatic music and bullet points about the Labour "threat", begins with US President Barack Obama's announcement of the death of bin Laden.

It then cuts to footage of Mr Corbyn describing it as "yet another tragedy upon a tragedy upon a tragedy".

The 80-second video includes clips of Mr Corbyn saying he is "against the replacement of Trident and the nuclear missile system that goes with it" and questioning why the UK should pay for a military with "global reach".

The video, posted on YouTube, concludes with the sound of breaking glass and the message "Labour: A threat to Britain's security".