MURDER squad detectives were today trying to piece together the final movements of a man killed during a camping trip.

Darryl Fitch, 43, from Paisley, was found dead after spending the weekend at a nearby beauty spot.

A team of officers were today painstakingly piecing together his final hours in a bid to find his killer.

The 43-year-old's body was found in water at Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire.

The grim discovery was made shortly before 8pm on Monday.

Police confirmed a post mortem examination was carried out and Mr Fitch's death was being treated as murder.

Officers also revealed he may have been camping in that area since Friday afternoon.

Detective Inspector John Malcolm from Police Scotland's Major Investigation Team said: "Extensive police enquiries are ongoing where this incident took place.

"At this time, I would ask anyone who was in the area over the last few days to contact us.

"It's possible you could have information which could prove useful in helping us piece together Darryl's movements prior to his death.

"It's imperative we find out how Darryl came about his injuries and that those responsible are traced and held to account.

"If you have any knowledge or information in connection with this incident, please do get in touch."

Specialist forensic officers were last night carrying out a detailed search of the area.

Police patrols have also been stepped up in a bid to reassure worried local residents.

DI Malcolm added: "I know that crimes such as these can cause concern in the local community.

"I would like to reassure them that additional officers will be on patrol in the area.

"Anyone with any concerns or information can speak to these officers."

Anyone with information is asked to contact police at Paisley Police Office on 101.