A post office has come under fire after its owners put golliwog dolls in their window display.

Henry Cruickshank, 35, said he was horrified to see the dolls up for sale after he passed the shop with his one-year-old son.

The controversial dolls are a black caricature with large red lips, afro-style hair and dressed in traditional minstrel clothing.

They are on full display at the Pillar Box Post Office in Troon, South Ayrshire, where owners have labelled them "golly dolls".

Mr Cruickshank branded the sale "unacceptable" and criticised the shop owners.

He said: "It's just so shocking in this day and age to see something that is so obviously racist on sale in public.

"It's about 200 yards from a school. It seems sad that this is being brought to a new generation who could grow up thinking that this is OK.

"I burst out laughing when I first saw them. It was just so surprising to see newly made Golly dolls on display.

"It's a bit appalling that someone is looking through a catalogue and ordering these in - unaware of the modern day connotations.

"I think Troon can seem a bit stuck in the past but this is like something from about 40 years ago.

"It's completely unacceptable to be selling these and having them on full view to the public walking by."

Shop owner Tommy Lynch, 66, of Troon, said he did not see any problem in selling the Golly dolls but added that he would most likely not restock them.

He said: "There is no racist element to it. I don't think they are offensive. If it was causing upset we would not be selling them.

"They represent an item which nostalgically has been given with love to children and grandchildren through generations.

"We are just selling a product which we have been selling for a number of years. It's a product our customers have been asking us to stock.

"We've been selling them on and off for ten years now. I am not going to ban them. I'm a 66-year-old shop owner who is providing what his customers are asking for. This is the first time someone has complained." Local SNP councillor and former chair of South Ayrshire Council's equality forum Nan McFarlane said: "I can assure you that the shop owner is not, in any way, racist.

"I'll defend the shop owner because I know him and know what he's like. They run a good business and are not setting out to offend people.

"Though, I must say that I do not approve of this sort of thing and I'm surprised that these dolls are even still manufactured."