The first week of our Indyref Personality Test has produced some fascinating results, with mixed messages for the Yes Scotland campaign.

More than 8000 readers have now completed the test from across Scotland and elsewhere, making it one of the biggest sampling exercises of the entire referendum campaign.

And while the survey is primarily for fun and by definition self-selecting, the scale of the response means it can't be ignored by the leaders of the two sides of the debate. Most conventional polls have a sample of about 1000.

We're not yet revealing the total Yes/No/Sitting on the Fence breakdown,  but so far the headline findings suggest clear popular support for the Scottish Government's policies on:

• Childcare from the age of 1 (65%)

• Ridding Scotland of nuclear submarines (76%)

• State control of the Post Office (85%)

• Higher state pension (77%)

• More flights out of/into Scotland (76%)

But there is also opposition to the SNP plans for:

• Cutting corporation tax (61% against):

And two other key polices have effectively split our readers:

• Nuclear power, which has been outlawed by the SNP, is welcomed by 44%

• Only 42% want more immigration, while 58% want less or no change. The SNP are alone in the major parties in actively promoting an increase in immigration if they achieve independence.

You can see the full breakdown below, and use the tabs on our graphic to see how the issues break down by sex, age and location.

To take the test, go here