JK ROWLING admits she is still hoping to find her mother's stolen jewellery despite its theft taking place more than 20 years ago.

The Edinburgh-based Harry Potter author was 25 years old when thieves broke into her Manchester flat.

Along with her mother's trinkets, Rowling's own childhood jewellery box was also ransacked, with thieves taking her charm bracelet.

Rowling, now 48, said she was left 'devastated' by the loss her mother's valuables, who had died only a few months previously.

Recently, in memory of her late mother, who had suffered from multiple sceloris, the author donated £10 million to fund an MS research centre in Edinburgh. The Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic was officially opened last month.

Meanwhile, the author has been raising funds for her charity Lumos and will auction a Harry Potter charm bracelet at Sotheby's in London next month.