Thieves who are thought to have broken into a Highland church to steal a celebrated communion chalice, got the wrong church and so have made off with the wrong altar vessel.

The break-in was at St Brides Episcopal Church in Onich on the north side of Ballachulish Bridge. The door was forced and a silver chalice and paten – or plate – taken.

But the Rev Adrian Fallows was puzzled by the fact other valuables, including a silver box, were left. So he conclu-ded the thieves may have mis- taken it for the historic Appin Chalice, which is thought to have been used to give the Appin Regiment, mostly Episcopalian Stewarts, communion just before the Battle of Culloden in 1746.

Mr Fallows said the stolen chalice was not of any great historic value "but it is very important to us".

The Appin Chalice is normally kept at St John's Episcopal Church, on the south side of the bridge.