Channel 4 is to break new ground by screening an entire advert break in French – a first for UK television.

Most of the commercials will be for French brands – such as L'Oreal, Renault and Boursin – and will feature subtitles for viewers not au fait with the language.

The station has booked the Gallic adverts to mark the launch of French zombie drama series, The Returned, which begins on June 9.

It is said to be the first time an entire advert slot on UK television has been in an overseas language.

A French voiceover will announce the three-and-a-half-minute break, made up of commercials originally shown on French TV.

Jonathan Allan, sales director at Channel 4, said: "We're really excited to bring the first entirely French ad break to Channel 4 to herald the arrival of our zombie series. It should fit within the context of the show."

The Returned is set in an Alpine village where the inhabitants do not realise they are dead.