A man murdered his neighbour on the night he met him.

Harvey Frost hugged Craig Stewart and said "love you man" and had suggested people help their neighbours. But the lorry driver returned from his kitchen armed with a knife and stabbed him in the chest.

Frost, 47, later told detectives: "I don't know what's come over me."

Mr Stewart, 24, died in hospital eight days after the attack at Frost's Edinburgh home on February 10.

Frost admitted murdering Mr Stewart by stabbing him on the body with a knife, when he appeared at the High Court in the city.

Lord Jones deferred sentence in the case until next month but warned Frost he faces life imprisonment.

Advocate depute Douglas Fairley, QC, said Frost and Mr Stewart lived in next-door flats but did not know each other before the incident.

Mr Stewart had been having a drink with his flatmates Dean Robertson and Lauren Andrews.

He went outside to get some air before coming back into the flat with Frost who he introduced to Mr Robertson, saying: "This is my neighbour. I've just met him."

All four of them sat and played cards.

Frost invited them in for a drink and Ms Andrews joined them as they watched the Magic music channel on TV.

"The accused hugged the deceased and said "love you man" and the deceased hugged him back and repeated this," said the advocate depute.

Frost went into the kitchen. He returned expressionless but holding a knife and walked over to where Mr Stewart was sitting on a couch and stabbed him in the chest.