TWO pairs of nesting ospreys could hold up work on a £600 million power line in Scotland.

The birds have set up home close to the River Beauly and could jeopardise Scottish and Southern Energy's 137-mile project

Internationally renowned naturalist Sir John Lister-Kaye of the nearby Aigas Field Centre says the work schedule on the Beauly to Denny overhead power line should be reviewed.

Scottish and Southern Energy plans to close Black Bridge at Kilmorack Dam for two weeks to carry out overhead wiring, using a helicopter, but Sir John warned that could scare off the rare ospreys.

"Helicopters are famous for disturbing wildlife when they fly over," he said.

An SSE spokeswoman said the assessment had always been planned prior to work starting.

The survey was to check whether there was any nesting activity and whether any mitigation measures were required.