SHE may not yet be quite old enough to vote in a General Election, but Glasgow teenager Ellie Koepplinger has been appointed to share her insight with the nation's political heavyweights on the board of Scotland's pro-independence campaign group.

The 16-year-old will sit alongside key politicians and public figures including Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, actress Elaine C Smith and double Michelin star chef Andrew Fairlie on the Yes Scotland advisory board as it attempts to deliver a yes vote in the 2014 referendum.

The youngster, who lives in Maryhill, Glasgow, with her parents and sister Sam, 11, is a fifth-year pupil at Hillhead High School in the city's west end.

She was chosen for the position from a raft of applications after Yes Scotland advertised for a 16 or 17-year-old to join the board.

She said: "I am just so excited that I have been given this chance.

"Of course, I expect to be a little nervous when I attend my first board meeting, but everybody in the campaign has made me feel so welcome and I just can't wait to play my part in the campaign for a yes vote."

She takes up her appointment as the Scottish Government prepares to publish a Bill that will allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in next autumn's historic referendum.

She said: "Allowing people in my age group to vote in the referendum is a brilliant move and I think the case is now made for this to be extended to all franchises."

Ms Koepplinger, is studying for Highers in English, maths, religious education, chemistry and Advanced Higher Mandarin, and played double bass for the West of Scotland Symphony Orchestra.

She is a member of the Glasgow Youth Dance Company.