THE World Porridge Making Championship has been won by an Englishman for the first time.

In a blow to national pride, the top prize this year was taken by London-born Ben Horsbrugh, who now lives in Germany, in the 19th world championship held in Carrbridge in the Highlands yesterday.

It is only the second time the title and the Golden Spurtle have left these shores. It crossed the Atlantic to America in 2009.

However, Horsbrugh, 45, said: "I'm from Scottish roots. I can trace my family back to the 1390s to the Peebles area. So I suppose today I was flying the flag for the old country."

He also revealed that his Scottish intuition played a part in overcoming his 15 rivals from Denmark, Sweden, US, Scotland and England.

The annual competition attracts spectators and porridge fans from far and wide, with the furthest-travelled competitor Laurie Figone from California.

Figone, who has her own TV show, Cooking With Laurie, won the best speciality porridge title.