WAR veterans from across the country have come together for a service to remember one of the most dangerous missions of the Second World War.

Former servicemen congregated on the banks of Loch Ewe, Wester Ross, to mark 70 years since the launch of Operation Dervish.

The service marked the launch of mission PQ18 on September 2, 1948, which saw 39 ships, including 17 warships, set sail for Russia.

The offensive was one of the most pivotal of the war and saw thousands of Armed Forces personnel transport needed cargo from the north-west coast of Scotland to Russia.

To reach the Eastern Front, the so-called Arctic Convoys had to sail through freezing conditions around the coast of Norway. Besides extreme weather conditions, they faced the dangers of German U-Boats and aircraft. More than 3000 seamen were killed during the convoy missions.

The men who took part in the dangerous offensives have never been given a medal for their valour, something veterans are campaigning to address.