SCOTTISH actor Gerard Butler, known for his roles in 300 and Law Abiding Citizen, said he would rather have success on the football field than win an Oscar.

The actor, a Celtic fan, played in the Celtic Legends versus Manchester United Legends charity match last summer. He flew in from Los Angeles for the match.

He told The Herald: "It was probably the highlight of my career. Back home at Christmas, talking about it with my mum, even she said that. She's been to Hollywood premieres with me and she said it doesn't get better than that moment. 'Just to see you walk on at Parkhead.'

"My stepfather is a Rangers fan so it's been an infinite source of entertainment for him to have to deal with that."

Asked whether he would rather win an Academy Award or score against Rangers, he said: "Scoring a winning goal against Rangers."

Butler, 42, from Paisley, is starring in the movie adaptation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus, the directorial debut of Ralph Fiennes. Butler said it was a huge compliment to be asked by Fiennes to be in the film.

Speaking of the script, he said: "It had it all, from political intrigue to intimate domestic moments, from rivalry to action sequences, all the complexities of every kind of relationship."