* IN THIS week's selection from his best-selling compendium, Scotland

the Best! 1994, Peter Irvine selects the best ''serious'' walks. None

should be attempted without Ordnance Survey maps, proper equipment and

preparation. Hill or ridge walking experience may be essential.

THE CUILLINS, SKYE: Much scrambling and, if you want it, serious

climbing over these famously unforgiving peaks. The Red ones are easier

and many walks start at the Sligachan Hotel on the main

Portree-Broadford Road. Glamaig, the conical one which overlooks the

hotel, has been climbed in 37mins. Most of the Black Cuillins including

the highest, Sgurr Alasdair (993m), and Sgurr Dearg, ''The inaccessible

pinnacle'' (978m), can be attacked from the campsite or the youth hostel

in Glen Brittle.

BEN NEVIS: Start on Glen Nevis Road 3km Fort William town centre by

bridge opposite youth hostel or take car along Claggan Industrial Estate

Road to the end at Achintee Farm (4km town). These starts lead to the

same ''tourist'' path which continues to the top. Allow the best part of

a day and I do mean the best -- the weather can turn quickly here. Many

people are killed every year, even experienced climbers.

THE FIVE SISTERS OF KINTAIL: Generally started from A87 along from

Cluanie Inn and walked east to west. An uncomplicated but inspiring

ridge walk, a classic which can be done on a single clear day, taking in

two Munros and two tops. Not as strenuous as it looks, though it's a

hard pull up and you descend to a point 8km further up the road (so

arrange transport). Many side spurs to vantage points and wild views.

GRAMPIAN WALKS: The mainly E-W routes through the mountains linking

river Dee at Braemar via the Linn of Dee with the great central Highland

river systems (the Spey). Approach from W and A9:

(1) GLEN TILT: starting at Blair Atholl about 35km of super Highland

scenery. Converges with routes below.

(2) GLEN FESHIE: from Feshiebridge (starting at the bridge); 40km.

(3) BLEN MORE FOREST PARK: from Coylumbridge and Loch Morlich; 32km. 2

joins 3 beyond Loch Morlich and both go through the Rothiemurchus Forest

and the famous LAIRIG GHRU, the ancient Right of Way through the

Cairngorms which passes between Ben Macdui and Braeriach. Ascent is over

700m and going can be rough. Going E-W is less gruelling and there's

Aviemore to look forward to!

* Extracted from Scotland the Best! 1994, published by Mainstream at
