The Red Hackle Tartan takes its name from the distinctive red plume worn by the regiment's troops.

Originally made from red vulture feathers, the Red Hackle has been worn exclusively by the Black Watch since 1822.

It is thought to have been first awarded to the regiment following their action at the Battle of Geldermalsen in 1795.

The new design incorporates the dark regimental tartan of the Black Watch overlaid with a series of overchecks in two shades of red.

It was designed by Perthshire-based House of Edgar, part of Macnaughton Holdings Ltd, with the final tartan approved by Black Watch officials.

It is available as a fabric and sold as scarves, ties, kilts, trews and waistcoats.

A portion of money raised from sales of the tartan will be given to The Black Watch Heritage Appeal, which looks after the Black Watch museum.

Blair Macnaughton, managing director of Macnaughton Holdings, said the company was "delighted" with the new tartan.

"I have been wanting to create a Red Hackle tartan for several years," he said.

"We hope it will appeal not only to anyone connected with The Black Watch - either at present or in the past - but also to the general public who have no allegiance to any clan tartan.

"The Red Hackle is synonymous with the world's most famous regiment. I think it will appeal to people the world over. It's a great name and I can't believe a Red Hackle tartan hasn't been designed before now."

The Red Hackle Tartan will be launched on The Black Watch's annual Red Hackle Day - January 5 - in a special unveiling at the regiment's Balhousie Castle museum in Perth.

Assistant Regimental Secretary Major Ronnie Proctor of the Black Watch praised the design and said it had already won enthusiastic approval among the serving and retired soldiers he had shown it to.

"The Red Hackle is something that Black Watch soldiers have always been proud to wear," he said.

"They will be equally proud to wear the new tartan as I hope many others will.

"The House of Edgar is to be congratulated on designing a tartan that is both true to the traditional Black Watch roots and the spirit of the scarlet plume."