A MAN cleared of murder at the High Court in Glasgow last month has

himself been murdered.

Police in Greenock are investigating the death of Mr Edward McIntosh,

31, during an incident at 4am yesterday in Glenbrae Road, Greenock. His

brother William, 37, of Bouverie Street, Port Glasgow, was injured and

was treated at Inverclyde Royal Hospital. His condition last night was

described as stable.

Police gave the dead man's address as c/o Compston, Duns Place,

Greenock. They issued an appeal for information from anyone who was in

or around Glenbrae Road about 4am.

Edward McIntosh appeared at the High Court in Glasgow last month,

where murder charges against him and his cousin, Robert, 18, of Lincoln

Road, Greenock, were withdrawn midway through a trial. At that time, the

address of Mr McIntosh was given as Clydeview Road in the town.

The trial ended with William Lewis, 22, of Clydeview Road, being given

two life sentences by Lord McCluskey after he was found guilty of the

murder by stabbing of Mr John McIntyre, 34, of Gabriel Street, and Mr

Joseph McMenamin, 32, of Darndaff Road, both Greenock.

Mr Lewis's brother, Thomas, 24, also of Clydeview Road, was cleared of

the two murder charges. He was convicted of assault and causing

malicious damage and was jailed for three years.

The court had been told that violence flared at midnight on June 22

last when four cars were smashed with baseball bats in Darndaff Road by

the Lewis brothers and others.

A spokesman for Greenock CID said last night that police were keeping

an ''open mind'' on whether the two cases were connected.