A RETIRED consultant plastic surgeon, who was appalled to discover on

a visit to Ghana that there were no facilities for plastic surgery, has

masterminded a project to remedy the situation, writes David Steele.

Mr Jack Mustarde, of Alloway, visited Ghana as part of a Rotary

International scheme in 1991. He found that patients were suffering

terribly because problems requiring reconstructive surgery could not be

treated properly.

He said: ''I was determined from that moment to establish a specialist

unit in Accra. With the help of President Rawlings and his government,

as well as countless others in Ghana and Scotland, the dream has become

a reality.''

So far, donations for the unit total #100,000. The same again is

required before the facility can be fully equipped.

Yesterday, Mr Mustarde met Ghanaian nurse Susana Banin at Ayr Hospital

to discuss her progress in specialist training for her role at the unit.

Mrs Banin will move next to Canniesburn for theatre training.

She said: ''I have been very fortunate to train with such wonderful
