WOMEN are attracted to men with Glaswegian accents, it was claimed yesterday.

In a national dating survey, the city was voted into the top 10 most popular places to go out on a date.

It claimed that women find Glasgow's men attractive because of their tones, charm and wit - qualities evidently not portrayed by the BBC's semmit-clad Rab C Nesbitt character.

The survey by Udate.co.uk asked 1000 people which city had the most eligible men and women and which city they would most like to have a first date in.

Glasgow was voted the second best place to date behind London and fifth and sixth for eligible men and women, respectively.

Louise Raggett, psychologist for the internet dating site, said: ''It seems that the Glaswegian accent has secured a top 10 place for Glasgow's men in the eligibility stakes. The city's guys were also voted warm, friendly, witty and charming.''

She added: ''While Glaswegian men may not be considered sexy, they gained sixth place in the eligibility charts for their friendliness and charm which shows that these attributes are increasingly important when it comes to 21st-century dating.

''Just look at how many women adore Robert Carlyle. It's that Glaswegian charm that puts them among the UK's finest.''

The survey also asked which was the best UK city for a date. London topped the poll but Glasgow came in second beating Manchester, Nottingham and Newcastle. The high placing was put down to a combination of great bars and clubs, good restaurants and ''romantic streets to stroll through arm in arm'', the company said.

Samantha Bedford, marketing director for Udate.co.uk, said: ''Our lifestyle means that increasingly British singles are travelling around the UK for work or pleasure, meeting and mixing with people from all walks of life and love.

''While London may still top the poll for its eligible singles scene, cities like Glasgow, Birmingham and Nottingham are hot on its heels for their brilliant nightlife, beautiful architecture and most of all eligible singles.''