ITwas the Mars bar to die for - but probably only if you ate it in one go.

While more prosaic students of architecture at Glasgow School of Art considered the bricks and mortar of conventional design for their end-of-term spatial project, one group decided to create the world's biggest deep-fried Mars bar.

It weighed a heart-stopping 3.725kg. Made up of 58 regular-sized bars, it amounted to about 26,000 calories, not counting batter or the oil in which it was fried.

The monster was made by four students. Two of them, Mark Carter, 24, from Dublin and Thomas Randall-Page, 21, from Devon, were present in the refectory kitchen yesterday to watch the bar descend into the boiling oil.

The team shaved off the chocolate, and constructed their version brick by brick. They then melted the chocolate and covered the bar with it. All that was left to do was to create a batter and chuck it in the deep fryer.

The world's biggest deepfried Mars bar was then cut into chunks and distributed to sweet-toothed students.