THE former boyfriend of Jodi Jones went on trial for her murder yesterday before a new jury.

Luke Mitchell was 14 when he is alleged to have repeatedly struck Jodi with a knife in woods near her home in Dalkeith, Midlothian. Mr Mitchell, now 16, denies murdering Jodi in June last year and has lodged two special defences.

The jury was sworn in at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday afternoon after the original trial, which got under way a week ago, was aborted on Tuesday following the discharge of two jurors.

However, the court yesterday had to deal with further hiccups when one man selected to serve on the jury revealed that a work colleague's children had gone to the same school as Jodi and Mr Mitchell. Lord Nimmo Smith said he should not be a juror and as another man was on his way to take the remaining seat, he was asked to stand down because of his address.

Eventually, the trial began to hear evidence with a jury of eight women and seven men.

The charge against Mr Mitchell alleges that the teenager applied a ligature around her arms, and struck her repeatedly on the head, mouth and body with a knife or similar instrument.

The trial continues today.