
Graham McIntyre, many times a British relay title winner with Bristol in the 80s and currently enjoying a run of good veteran results, makes his return to top-line competition for the Interlopers squad.

The Edinburgh team, which also includes former Swedish night champion Tobias Andersson, competes in the seven-leg Harvester Relays in East Anglia in a bid to keep their UK relay cup hopes alive.

The Harvester - No.21 in a series designed as Britain's answer to the famous through-the-night Tiomila - gets under way at 11pm. It finishes 65km later at around 7am. The five-leg B-course, for women and weaker club entries, starts at 12.45am.

The venue, Downham and Thetford Warren, makes no allowances for darkness with very fast plantation running in a complex of depressions caused by former lime extraction works. A powerful headlamp can spell the difference between success and failure.

Organiser Alan Bedder is disappointed by a downturn in numbers but as the third of the four UK Cup events, it has attracted a top calibre tunrout.

South Yorkshire's men and women, sporting a moral-boosting new kit sponsored by Stanley Tools, are the teams to beat after their British and JK successes. Double victory gives them both the men's and women's UK trophies making the final at the Scottish c hampionships a formality.

With strength in depth at a premium this time out, Interlopers, Claro and East Pennines supply the male opposition, while Sheffield University with a strong Scottish flavour could spike South Yorkshire's women's ambitions.